
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bible Studies, Work Spaces and Advocare

Bible Study? But...everything much to do...

With a baby, a home to clean, dinners to fix, exercising to be done, friends to catch up with, sewing jobs and a host of other projects and to-do lists, I find it very hard to sit and meditate on anything without becoming very distracted. A thousand other things flood my mind every moment of the day it seems like and lately I have been in desperate need of being still and knowing He is God. Part of that comes through studying and meditating on His word. No simple task for me. I have found something that truly does help though and I'm really excited to share with other moms about "The 17:18 Series".

This is a series of "journibibles" that lays out verse-by-verse pages of empty spaces to write down your own copy of the scripture. I find this so helpful in being forced to focus on the Word and cultivating a clear mind ready to meditate on each verse. They even have empty pages by each verse page to write down your thoughts or prayers related to a specific passage. Topical study and devotionals are always helpful, but there is nothing like meditating on the Word itself in quiet. Of course, I do this during Ty's naptimes. I relish the quiet and calm. But I also love going and getting him out of his crib with he wakes up! I mean, who doesn't want to get this face out of bed....

Home Purging...

One of the best feelings in the world! I have so graciously been given two sewing jobs from home and it was so hard to try and sew when I didn't really have a space and Titus can't stand for me to be in the other room. So, not only have I been working on purging out our home and deep cleaning and organizing it, I've also created a little work space in what was once our dining room. With Lee's work schedule the way it is, we never get a real time to sit and eat a meal at the dinner table. So, the dining room is now more or less my work space for sewing and craft organization. I can't work in a cluttered or ugly space. So, I'm working on making it quiet, pleasant and clean :) I look forward to my work.

A Challenge...

I'm starting the Advocare 24Day Challenge tomorrow. My parents have had a lot of success using Advocare and with still more baby weight to lose, I'm excited to see what it will do for me! I'm highly motivated by competition, so just the word "Challenge" in the title gives me a desire to conquer it! I will try to post a initial description of the products on the blog and then, of course, I'll be updating occasionally and giving a final review at the end of the 24 days. Looking forward to it. In the meantime, here's some information on Advocare, go to:

...and click on the advocare link. ID# 110913794

.......I hear Titus talking to himself in his crib :)

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