
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back on the Blogosphere...

It's been at least a year since I've tried blogging. Having a baby was a bit of a distraction! However, I think that taking 10-15 minutes of my day to sit down a write a bit about what is going on with the Mungers or on some other topic that would be edifying would be healthy and fun! Who am I kidding, probably not every day...

January is going to be an exciting month of changes. I'm working on one thing in the house *organize,organize,organize*. A little throwing stuff out (which means taking it to the attic-a free store for students on campus for those of you who don't know) and an effort to concentrate my time and energy on far fewer things than I've attempted in the past. I have a bad habit of spreading myself too thin. I'm interested in too many things and want to learn/try every new thing I can. Lee will be starting classes again this month after having been off for an entire semester. That will take some adjusting. Titus is on the brink of walking. That will also take some adjusting. Tax season is upon us and we're anxiously awaiting our W-2s. And last and most exciting is the Historical Ball on the 21st! And yes, Lee is going. And yes, he's wearing period costume. And yes, he's the best ever! *oh, and yes, there will be pictures*

My accountability group is going through a book called, Choosing Gratitude-Demoss, and I came across this little challenge on a friend's page and thought it would coincide perfectly with the humbling book we're going through:

I think I accept the challenge and challenge you to do the same. So, here goes...

1. Three things about yourself you are grateful for
1. My ability to go 5 days into 2012 semi-keeping my resolutions
2. The lack of fear in my heart that continues to diminish as I grow closer to Christ
3. I'm grateful that I find Titus more of a joy than work

I look forward to posting more and maybe even complete a year's worth of blogging!

soli deo gloria


  1. Ann's book, One Thousand Gifts, would be a good compliment to Choosing Gratitude. It's a great book and I have been blessed by her testimony and words the last few years. They've changed my life in many ways.

  2. Melissa, I'm so excited to see you have entered the "blogosphere!" I will def. be following you :) I'm also glad to see you are doing the 1,000 blessings challenge. I am as well and loving it so far, I just wrote #28, not too shabby. Praying for you & your sweet family! Keep the posts coming. I find it helpful to say I will do at least 3 blogs a week, it keeps the readers attention but also allows me to enjoy it and have time to develop my thoughts. Best of luck to you!

  3. Thanks Jessica.

    Thanks Chelsea, we're praying for yall too! I think I'm running about 1 per week, lol. But it's better than nothing!
